
What Do I See?

I sit here and school is...QUIET...the little voices from the day still echo in my mind. But as I sit here in the silence, what do I see?
Through my door and then the far doors I see a grey blue sky..I can tell the sun is now shining but no green on the trees yet. Back in my room the camping corner is just inside the door...all is dark and quiet. The fire is"out"(off) and the lights turned off...the back table is surprisingly CLEAN! Only 1 unfinished owl is there other then the stuff that belongs there! The back counter...wow someone tidied it today! A whole row if paint brushes dry on th edge if the sink. The sun streams through the windows on my right. In front of me...3 rows of little desks with our Mothers day crafts drying on them. Behind me...o my! A mess! Carnations for science, owls awaiting eyes, science posters that need hanging, binder if program songs that need to be picked. And then my desk! 3 cups and a pop can! do I really drink alot?! A pile of FINISHED making, a plan book with this weeks page full! My EZ grader..a must! Pens galore! And SO, many papers! But it'll look alot better in a few minutes! Good bye! I'm going to tackle the messes!
What do you see as you sit there?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Found your blog from TBA! I am your newest follower:) Stop by and see me...
