
The Golden Key

Yes I'm still alive! Thought summer might slow down from the crazy month of May but NO! I'll try & do a catch up post of the highlights yet but this will just be a short post on that GOLDEN KEY!
Why I call it the golden key is because our school keys are gold! Yes, I handed mine back to the board this week...my teaching days at WCS are truely over now...that was"my"key, "my" school! Yes it was a lil hard & had a final feeling to it...but all my stuff was out of there..all grades recorded where they should be so it was time to give it up...
Good bye WCS & all the wonderful times my 3 years there...

1 comment:

kristapenner said...

Awww it is sad isn't it!!! The unit will be so much fun tho and to do something different! You can always continue on the next year;) I love reading your little blog posts